School started last week, ive been told that im in a lot of trouble..figuratively speaking.. because i pretty much never take pictures anymore. Originally this all started becasue i had an art class that required me to take pictures of a lot of the things i was doing throught the semester, and at the end of the semester you could load all your pictures onto a cd or upload them to a blog... i chose to upload my pictures here so that it would be easier for the student that was viewing the shots to know when everything took place. At the end of the semester a student would be assigned my blog and would have to write an essay about my life based on what they saw. I was a little nervous about what assumtions would be made..but in the end i didnt really care. I guess my teacher still looked up my blog and doesnt understand why i dont take pictures as often. Im a little lazy.
Since i havent loaded many pictures, ill let you know whats been going on with me.. that is if you actually care and your not just skimming this page. Ive recently had an eye opening experience where i went camping with my mom and my friend jodie. After the stupid break-up i thought all was lost and there was no hope for me anymore.. Little did i realize i completely lost myself. Its ok though because surprisingly about 3 days after the incident.. I was completely RECOVERED! and by recovered i mean.. rediscovered in my own eyes. I realized maybe i hadnt been as social, i definately wasnt as outgoing as i used to be, i wasnt able to listen to the music that I actually like..and now i had an infinite amount of free time on my hands. Ive been rekindling with old friends, making new friends..and just having fun. I didnt realize how much fun this would be!
lately ive been attemptig to tap into my creative mind. Im going to start working on another art project as soon as i figure out how much time ill be able to set aside for it. My photography and journalism classes are going to kick my butt this semester with all of the side work im going to have to do.
Lately ive been going on lots of adventures with carolyn and other random friends. Weve been cooking alot, eating yogurtland too much, wasting a crap load of my gas, going in crazy jacuzzi's, driving along the coast, driving to palos verdes, hangin out with friends from palos verdes, listening to wayy too much Camp Rock and Jonas Brothers music, making funny videos, hanging out with my roommates.. weve had some car trouble, gone to lots of baseball games..which brings me to my next subject.
while going to a few games, ive decided that it is about time to pick a team.. though ive always liked the phillies..i was born in missouri..does that mean i should be a Cardinals fan?????
right now im trying to decide between the Dodgers and the Angels. Angels games are closer..the stadium is nicer.. and there is a really cool waterfall! they also have good ole Vladimir. Buttt Dodgers fans seem more loyal..the stadium is more of a mission than the angels stadium..and the fans really seem to be diggin on manny. Ive seen more reaction out of dodger fans than i have angels fans, maybe thats because i sat next to a crazy lady! anyways.. this delima will be conintued..sorry to bore you with words and not with pictures.